Perfect Vision

These last couple of years I’ve been blessed to visit some extraordinary places, and see some things having historical, artistic and cultural significance that were entirely new to me.

The Edgar Degas exhibit at the Musee d’Orsay was one of them.

The focal point of his work – the opera.

Now I know next to nothing about opera, but Degas worked to capture the entirety of the effort – not just beauty of the performance. He painted the practice, the people, and the energy behind the scenes, which were necessary to bring the opera to life. He sought to see it from many different perspectives and angles, not a just a singular view.

Here’s the Leadership Lesson.

To truly be effective in leadership you need to have an “inclusive” vision of your organization. That means seeing it from new places and perspectives beyond your own. It’s too easy to get focused on the end-results, or just your immediate concerns, and miss the many small things that make up the big picture.

Seeing more broadly is the only way to ID things which are inconsistent or incompatible with your goals and need to be addressed before they have a negative impact.

And Then There’s This.

Have you thought about what you want your team, group, organization to become? Now would be a good time. It’s a new decade. Right?

Vision also means you have to pick something. You have to decide what you’re going to “be?” And then do something about it. So why not make a commitment to “becoming” something by beginning this year? Think. Decide. Act.

“I want a leader who can harness the energy and spirit and share their vision in such a way as to cause me to want to follow. I want my leader to know where we are headed. I want to trust their judgment. I expect the actions of the leader to be in service to that goal. Once we have a clear vision; strategies and priorities can all follow.”

Isn’t perfect vision 2020? Let’s go for it.

– Jerry Strom

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